What Money Taught Me
Benjamin seduced me
As I held him between my finger tips
So smooth with crisp edges
Promising happiness
Telling me I held the world in my hands
He gave me a mansion
6 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms
4 bars, 4 fireplaces
A pool, pool house, and indoor basketball court
But when I sat outside my mom’s bedroom door,
Crying out to her, “Mom, don’t do something stupid, please”
Paralyzed with fear, trembling at the thought of losing her
My mansion didn’t intervene
When my mom screamed, “I hate you”
Not one of the 6 bedrooms erased her words,
Leaving me curled up in a tiny closet
With my arms wrapped around my knees,
Each elbow touching a wall
Alone with the echoing of her words, Sobbing,
But my Father filled that closet with love
While my empty, desperate soul soaked it up like a sponge
When my dad took me in the shower
And made me want to disappear
Benjamin didn’t protect me
Or stop my innocence from washing down the drain
But 13 years later, you father,
Removed the veil of pain that covered my heart
The pain held behind my eyes evaporated
Leaving sunflowers against clear blue skies
When my mom drove us to apartments
And bridges and threatened that we would live there
If my grandparents stopped supporting us,
Benjamin didn’t protest.
Benjamin controlled our life
Persuaded my family into the illusion
That paper represents love
And can give you the world
Enslaving us to him
He gave me a brand new red
4-door jeep wrangler
But when Husband #3 lied to my mom,
And said I called her a terrible mom
And I was kicked out
My wrangler didn’t reveal the truth
When my dad broke his promises
Over and over
Shattering my heart
Benjamin just stared at the shards
But you, my Father, waited for me to hand over the pieces
Then you gently fused them back together
When my friend died at 22
In a freak accident
Big Red didn’t bring her back
Or give me a chance to say goodbye
But you showed me the uncertainty of our days
The importance of what we do today, not tomorrow
He gave me an airplane and
Vacation homes
But when Husband #3 tried to strangle my mom
And she contemplated staying
And my dad wouldn’t let me live with him
My airplane didn’t rescue me
When he blamed me for the divorce
And sent me death threats, dead animals and drugs,
Benjamin remained silent
He gave me a boat
But when I was injured
Crushing my Olympic dream
Ripping my world away from me
Benjamin was no where to be found
He gave me laptops, Burberry coats,
Jewelry, and clothes
But when my dog died in my arms
My laptop didn’t dry the tears
That dripped down my face and soaked my sweatshirt
When I had seizures
And the doctors thought I had a brain tumor
Money didn’t promise more days
Or give me peace
But you reached down from your throne
And wrapped your arms around me
You showed me I don’t belong here
I’m not afraid to live, because I’m not afraid to die
I’m not afraid to go home
I waited for Benjamin to give me the world
Clenching onto his promise
Like a child with a security blanket
Until it was ripped from my hands
Leaving me with nothing
But what did he really ever give me?
You hold my hand when I walk through tunnels of darkness
When I stumble, you pick me up
When I wander, you bring me back
When I complained I didn’t want to bear the cross I’d been given
You reached down and rocked me back and forth like a baby
You comforted me, and when I least deserved it,
You whispered, “I love you, my child. Trust me.”
And so I will. Lead me wherever you may.
Life Unravels
I watch my life unravel in front of my eyes
The castle I spent the last 20 years building tumbling down
From one tiny earthquake
I built my castle on sand
Jenga blocks crashing down from one wrong move
The snow globe that held my life smashed on the floor
My canvas smeared at the beginning
Tainted from the start
The Masterpiece I painted was in vein
Although there is truth, the canvas still distorts it.
It doesn’t matter how much truth you paint over lies
Lies still taint the color the painting was supposed to have
Only God’s white light will restore the canvas
I have to hand over the paintbrush
So He can paint white light over the lies before more truth is added
And He can start His Masterpiece
Otherwise, blue won’t be blue, but green.
The sky will look like grass.
You’re world will be upside down.
My work is pointless. He has to do it.
The Tunnel
The Tunnel Part 2
In the beginning darkness consumed me
I stood in a tunnel
No light to be seen
Each memory making me colder and colder
Each flashback stopping me in my tracks
So afraid to take another step
I was becoming smaller and smaller
Alone with my memories and feelings
The silence deafening, except for the drip, drip of water
And the echo that followed each drip
Reminding me that I was alone and stuck
I couldn’t see my hand in front of me
I was so discombobulated
I forgot what direction I needed to go
Was I going forward or backward?
I couldn’t tell.
My body shivering
Just trying to survive
Then it came
At the end of the tunnel
A small speck of light
I still had a long way to go
But I knew I would be okay
I knew I wouldn’t be in the darkness forever
I knew the sun would pierce my soul
I knew the direction I was headed
I would feel the heat of the sun again
I had been in the tunnel so long
I forgot that light existed
I didn’t realize I was wandering alone in darkness
I’d been there so long
So it’s going to take awhile for my eyes to readjust
For me to refocus
Time for my body to stop shivering
My eyes to not need to squint in the brightness
My toes to warm up
My ears to listen to the birds chirping
And the clouds drifting
And to figure out what it all means to me
Only then can I confront my father about the tunnel he put me in
I couldn’t bring my foot to step outside
I stared at the round edge of the tunnel that framed me
A door into a new world
I made it to the light,, but I stood frozen
Staring at the end of the cement and the beginning of green grass
What if the light is too bright?
What if it hurts?
What if a lion attacks me?
I was well acquainted with the darkness
Comfortable with the musty smell
The song of the echoes from water dripping
I knew the demons I faced well,
But now there could be new demons
I didn’t know anything about this new world
But You took my hand and led me out
Showed me it wasn’t scary
The light feels good; it doesn’t hurt
I don’t have to fear myself
I’m not afraid anymore
To sing in my off beat voice
To shout to the world
To play my own song
To dance to my own rhythm
Beat to my own drum
I’m not missing out anymore
The world is full of smells, sounds, colors, and textures to be enjoyed
Vanilla yogurt body wash
Eucalyptus and peppermint bath salts
Crisp clean spring air
Birds chirping
The sun rising
The sun respects me
It rises slowly each day so my eyes can adjust
Lions don’t attack me
There is so much to explore
Unexplored mountains, gardens, and fields