Word Study- Holy Spirit- not completed
Old Testament:
In the Old Testament (Ezekiel 34) God prophesies against the shepherds of Israel. God is angry at the shepherd because they have been feeding themselves and not God's people. They eat fat, clothe themselves with wool, but do not feed the others. They didn't strengthen the weak, heal the sick, or bind up the injured. The shepherds ruled the people with force and harshness. Jesus then goes on to say he will seek out his flock and he will feed them. He says he will shepherd his people instead of entrusting the shepherds. He says he will bind up the injured, bring back the strayed, strengthen the weak, and destroy the fat and strong. He says that he will be the judge and he will rescue his flock. He says he will deliver them from the hands of those who enslaved them and the people will know He is God.
New Testament
I think Ezekiel 34 is the best description of how we see people trying to shepherd the church today and a big reason that God sent Jesus and promised us the Holy Spirit to shepherd us.
Breakdown of Verses
God's promises about the Holy Spirit
Spirit gives life- John 6:63
Teaches us all things and brings remembrance of God- John 14:17, John 14:26
The Spirit of Truth- will bear witness about Jesus and dwell in us- John 15:26
Commands us through the Holy Spirit- Acts 1:2
God's love poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit- Romans 5:5
Washes, justifies and sanctifies us- Romans 15:16, 1 Co 6:11
Anoints us and gives us knowledge- 1 John 2:20
Guide us into all truth- John 14:16-17, John 16:13
Put laws on our heart- Hebrews 10:15
Reveals things to us- Acts 10:19
Full of joy- 1 Thessa 1:6