Word Study- Discipline
Old Testament:
New Testament
The New Testament has 2 words for discipline: paideuo and paideia for a total of 19 times.
I've found many Old Testament passages refer to this idea that while we are busy trying to talk for God and discipline others we do a bad job in this discernment. For example, in Psalm 50 when God is talking to his people, he says I know the sacrifices you make and the ways you miss the mark, but don't worry about that. As long as the sacrifices are in thankfulness to me and you are asking me to answer your prayers I will answer your prayers. Then he turns to the wicked and says, "why are you reciting my laws? You hurt other people. You join the adulterers and so forth."
Not once in the New Testament is the word discipline used to say the church or anyone else other than God or our own parent should discipline us. Two Verses are not referenced below in a category and they are two verses that refer to Moses being educated and a city being educated under Jews.
God says he loves us so much and that we are all His children and that is why he promises to discipline us and promises us that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things and refine us in all things if we listen.
When the disciples got it wrong and tried to rebuke people, Jesus said no, let them come to me. When the crowds tried to rebuke people for trying to get to Jesus, Jesus said come here, I will heal you. He rebuked Peter when Peter cut off a soldier's ear who was trying to arrest Jesus.
When we are commanded to rebuke our brother (Luke 17:3) it is not over a sin he is committed against God or against someone else. It's a sin they have committed against us specifically. It goes on to say forgive your brother and forgive him as many times as you need to. If it were talking about all sin it wouldn't say forgive them, because there is no need to forgive your brother for a sin that is not committed against you. We've taken this and used it to manipulate and control people into living out a life for the Lord the way we see fit.